I wish to extend my sincere congratulations to you and the members of the Carcinological Society of Japan holding this year their 60th Annual Meeting.

During its 60 years of existence, the Carcinological Society of Japan has made most relevant efforts to enhance research focused on many aspects of crustacean biology, to advance the carrier of students, early, and senior faculty, and to develop research collaborations and exchange of scientific ideas between the scientist from Japan and other regions of the globe.

I am extremely proud and honored to have been invited twice in the past to give talks at two different instances of the Annual Meeting of the Carcinological Society of Japan. 

I am confident that the Carcinological Society of Japan will continue building upon its previous achievements, will continue making major new contributions to carcinology, and will promote friendship among crustacean researchers in Japan, Asia, and beyond.

The future is bright for the Carcinological Society of Japan!

With warm regards.

La Siesta 2022 | このページはカラフルに彩られています
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