Firstly, let me transmit my hearty birthday wishes to the Carcinological Society of Japan on the occasion of the 60th anniversary !

I have been a member of the Carcinological Society of Japan since 1999, when I was a newly minted PhD student, and completing a postdoctoral fellowship at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC, USA. 

The annual arrival, in the post, of the flagship journal - Crustacean Research - and the Cancer newsletter, were always anticipated and appreciated.

My association with the society also spread to include publication of the Biology of Anomura volume II (Crustacean Research Special Number 6) in 2006, where I was a guest editor and later as co-editor of the Biology of Anomura III (Nauplius 18(1)) in 2010.

The latter volume was the proceedings of the symposium of the same name at the joint Crustacean Society Summer Meeting & 47th Annual Meeting of the Carcinological Society of Japan in Tokyo in 2009. This was a very memorable meeting for many of the international carcinological community and we felt very warmly welcomed by the Carcinological Society of Japan.


The society serves a vital role in promoting carcinological research in Japan, and especially among students and young researchers, and I wish it another 60 years of success and fruitful productivity.

My sincerest wishes to you and the Carcinological Society of Japan.
La Siesta 2022 | このページはカラフルに彩られています
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