It gives me great pleasure to congratulate the Carcinological Society of Japan on behalf of Crustaceans Society of China, for all its achievements since its inception 60 years ago. Built on its solid foundation, the Japanese Society has continued to make remarkable contributions to crustacean science and technology in Japan and in the world as well.

The Carcinological Society of Japan has gained international recognition for its research achievements. I applaud the Society for successfully fostering the integration of the best of the classic sciences and modern frontier sciences in its teaching, research and services for the benefit of our community.

The Crustacean Society of China has had a very close working relationship with Carcinological Society of Japan in promotion of the development for crustacean science and technology, as well as conference organization. We hope both societies can continue to work hand in hand to the betterment of the collaboration in the future.

The 60th anniversary is a time for reflecting on the past and looking ahead to the future. 

On this very special occasion, I would like to wish the 60th anniversary celebration of a fruitful and memorable event, and members of continued success in their future endeavors. 

Once again, wishing Carcinological Society of Japan another surge of bright and prosperous development!

Seventh International Crustacean Congress (2010) organized by Chinese Crustacean Society (President: Jianhai Xiang co-chaired by TCS President Akira Asakura).  Photos from Ecdysiast vol. 29(2), pp. 5-9 (2010).  TCS .

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