It is a big thrill to know about the 60th Anniversary of the Carcinological Society of Japan (CSJ), with a solid past in the world contribution to the carcinology. 

 My first and amazing experience with this lovely team was in 2009 during the annual meeting organized by the Carcinological Society of Japan (including TCS and CSJ Joint Conference in Tokyo), when I felt the great Japanese hospitality, and the superb organization of the meeting. 

Since then I have started a very good friendship with some researchers and am very impressed with the scientific production and the advancement in knowledge about crustaceans made by the members of the CSJ.

In this way, I wanted to take the opportunity to convey to you all my happy feelings and especially the moment to celebrate the 60th Anniversary. 

To my friend, Dr. Akira, President of the CSJ and the organizers, congratulations for your brilliant work as leader of this community, and the superb administration to face the challenges of the new times. 

From the bottom of my heart and on the other side of the world, I wish you much success and a bright future, with many scientific discoveries and, above all, that you stay together to strengthen and keep CSJ alive for many, many years.

La Siesta 2022 | このページはカラフルに彩られています
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